御利用報告・御意見御感想苦情等の諸連絡用に御使用下さい。なお、報告へのお返事は、ユーザーリンク掲載(*の付いた項目)を以て代えさせて頂きますPlease tell me if you use the gifs. You need not wait my return mail, but please notice the users' link because only the websites which keep the rules will be linked there.(Write only in Japanese or easy English, because I don't get other language.)
お名前 ...name メール...mail *サイト名...website's name *アドレス...URL メッセージをどうぞ。...Please enter your comments. submit Powered by FormMailer. 返信が必要な場合はメールアドレスをお忘れなく。Don't forget to enter your e-mail adress if you want a reply. I will not always send back soon. It takes a lot of work to write English mail for me. So, be patient, please.